Some Unbelievable Facts About Electric Muscle Stimulation


Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS), sometimes also called neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), is the elicitation of contracting the muscle. EMS uses electric impulses. Electrical muscle stimulation has become too much popular in last five years. It is easily utilized as a strength training tool, especially for bodybuilders and athletes. Doctors also use Electrical muscle stimulation as a restoration tool for patients who cannot move. 

Basically, EMS works on impulses which are generated by a device and are delivered through electrodes on the skin where targeted muscles are located. Those electrodes are basically pads that adhere to the skin. The impulses mimic the action potential that comes from the central nervous system, causing the muscles to contract. The use of EMS has been cited by sports scientists as a complementary technique for sports training, and published research is available on the results obtained. In the United States, EMS devices are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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One possible reason is that when you maximally contract a muscle, at the best, only 30% of all your muscle fibers are in a state of contraction. The other 70% are dormant and awaiting recruitment when the contracting fibers fatigue. With Electric Muscle Stimulation you will be able to potentially electrically stimulate these resting muscle fibers to improve their strength. Clinically, EMS appears to be more effective when the muscles are very weak and you have trouble doing normal anti-gravity workouts.

Uses Of Electric Muscle Stimulation

There are certain very important uses of EMS. Electric Muscle Simulation is widely used in many fields including strength training.

Weight loss

FDA rejected all devices which claimed to lose weight. EMS devices burn calories and work on muscles. In electrical muscle simulation, most of the body is involved in physical exercise. Several Muscles, including heart and respiratory system, are also engaged. However, some authors imply that EMS can lead to exercise since a person toning his/her muscles with electrical stimulation is more likely afterward to participate in sporting activities as the body is ready, fit, willing and able to take on physical activity.


"Strength training by NMES does boost nervous and muscular adaptations that are mutual to the familiar effects of voluntary resistance training". This statement is part of the editorial summary of a 2010 world congress of researchers on the subject. Additional studies on practical applications, which came after that Congress, pointed out important factors that make the difference between effective and ineffective EMS. This in retrospect explains why in the past some researchers and practitioners obtained results that others could not reproduce.
Also, as published by reputable universities, EMS causes adaptation, i.e. training, of muscle fibers. Because of the characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers, different types of fibers can be activated to differing degrees by different types of EMS, and the modifications induced depend on the pattern of EMS activity. These patterns, referred to as protocols or programs, will cause a different response from contraction of different fiber types. Some programs will improve fatigue resistance, i.e. endurance, others will increase force production
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